391. | Tafel Rearrangement J. Tafel, H. Hahl, Ber. 40, 3312 (1907). Rearrangement of the carbon skeleton of substituted acetoacetic esters to hydrocarbons with the same number of carbon atoms by electrolytic reduction at a lead cathode in alcoholic sulfuric acid: J. Tafel, W. Jürgen, ibid. 42, 2548 (1909); J. Tafel, ibid. 45, 437 (1912); C. J. Brockman, Electro-organic Chemistry (New York, 1926) p 321; H. Stenzl, F. Fichter, Helv. Chim. Acta 17, 669 (1934); 19, 392 (1936); 20, 846 (1937); F. Asinger, H. H. Vogel, Houben-Weyl 5/1a, 280, 471 (1970). |