45. | Blaise Ketone Synthesis; Blaise-Maire Reaction E. E. Blaise, A. Koehler, Bull. Soc. Chim. [4] 7, 215 (1910); E. E. Blaise, M. Maire, Compt. Rend. 145, 73 (1907); E. E. Blaise, Bull. Soc. Chim. [4] 9, 1 (1911). Formation of ketones by treatment of acid halides with organozinc compounds; the use of β-hydroxy carbonyl chlorides to give β-hydroxy ketones, convertible into α,β-unsaturated ketones in boiling dilute sulfuric acid, is known as the Blaise-Maire reaction: J. Cason, Chem. Rev. 40, 17 (1947); D. A. Shirley, Org. React. 8, 29 (1954). |