
Weerman Degradation

R. A. Weerman, Rec. Trav. Chim. 37, 1, 16 (1918).

Formation of an aldose with one less carbon from an aldonic acid by a Hofmann-type reaction, q.v., of the corresponding amide. This is a general reaction of α-hydroxy carboxylic acids:

W. N. Haworth et al., J. Chem. Soc. 1934, 1722; 1938, 1975; E. S. Wallis, J. F. Lane, Org. React. 3, 275 (1946); J. C. Sowden in The Carbohydrates, W. Pigman, Ed. (New York, 1957) p 120; L. F. Fieser, M. Fieser, Advanced Organic Chemistry (New York, 1961) p 945. Cf. Hofmann Reaction.