• British Pharmacopoeia Volume IV
  • Appendices

Appendix II D. Atomic Spectrophotometry: Emission and Absorption

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Atomic emission spectrometry
(Ph. Eur. method 2.2.22)
General principle

Atomic emission is a process that occurs when electromagnetic radiation is emitted by excited atoms or ions. In atomic emission spectrometry the sample is subjected to temperatures high enough to cause not only dissociation into atoms, but also to cause significant amounts of collisional excitation and ionisation of the sample atoms to take place. Once the atoms and ions are in the excited states, they can decay to lower states through thermal or radiative (emission) energy transitions and electromagnetic radiation is emitted. An emission spectrum of an element contains several more lines than the corresponding absorption spectrum.

Atomic emission spectrometry is a technique for determining the concentration of an element in a sample by measuring the intensity of one of the emission lines of the atomic vapour of the element generated from the sample. The determination is carried out at the wavelength corresponding to this emission line.

In this chapter only atomisation in flame is dealt with. The method of inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) is described in a different general chapter.


This consists essentially of:

  • — a sample introduction and nebulisation system;
  • — a flame to generate the atoms to be determined;
  • — a monochromator;
  • — a detector;
  • — a data-acquisition unit.

Oxygen, air and a combustible gas such as hydrogen, acetylene, propane or butane may be used in flames. The atomisation source is critical, since it must provide sufficient energy to excite and atomise the atoms. The atomic spectra emitted from flames have the advantage of being simpler than those emitted from other sources, the main limitation being that the flames are not powerful enough to cause emission for many elements allowing their determination. Acidified water is the solvent of choice for preparing test and reference solutions, although organic solvents may also be used if precautions are taken to ensure that the solvent does not interfere with the stability of the flame.


Spectral interference is reduced or eliminated by choosing an appropriate emission line for measurement or by adjusting the slit for spectral band-width. Physical interference is corrected by diluting the sample solution, by matching the matrix or by using the method of standard additions. Chemical interference is reduced by using chemical modifiers or ionisation buffers.

Memory effect

The memory effect caused by deposit of analyte in the apparatus may be limited by thoroughly rinsing between runs, diluting the solutions to be measured if possible and thus reducing their salt content, and by aspirating the solutions through as swiftly as possible.


Use of plastic labware is recommended wherever possible.

Operate an atomic emission spectrometer in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions at the prescribed wavelength. Optimise the experimental conditions (flame temperature, burner adjustment, use of an ionic buffer, concentration of solutions) for the specific element to be analysed and in respect of the sample matrix. Introduce a blank solution into the atomic generator and adjust the instrument reading to zero or to its blank value. Introduce the most concentrated reference solution and adjust the sensitivity to obtain a suitable reading.

It is preferable to use concentrations which fall within the linear part of the calibration curve. If this is not possible, the calibration plots may also be curved and are then to be applied with appropriate calibration software.

Determinations are made by comparison with reference solutions with known concentrations of the element to be determined either by the method of direct calibration (Method I) or the method of standard additions (Method II).

Method I - Direct calibration

For routine measurements 3 reference solutions of the element to be determined and a blank are prepared and examined.

Prepare the solution of the substance to be examined (test solution) as prescribed in the monograph. Prepare not fewer than 3 reference solutions of the element to be determined, the concentrations of which span the expected value in the test solution. For assay purposes, optimal calibration levels are between 0.7 and 1.3 times the expected content of the element to be determined or the limit prescribed in the monograph. For purity determination, calibration levels are between the limit of detection and 1.2 times the limit specified for the element to be determined. Any reagents used in the preparation of the test solution are added to the reference solutions and to the blank solution at the same concentration.

Introduce each of the solutions into the instrument using the same number of replicates for each solution, to obtain a steady reading.

Calculation Prepare a calibration curve from the mean of the readings obtained with the reference solutions by plotting the means as a function of concentration. Determine the concentration of the element in the test solution from the curve obtained.

Method II - Standard additions

Add to at least 3 similar volumetric flasks equal volumes of the solution of the substance to be examined (test solution) prepared as prescribed. Add to all but 1 of the flasks progressively larger volumes of a reference solution containing a known concentration of the element to be determined to produce a series of solutions containing steadily increasing concentrations of that element known to give responses in the linear part of the curve, if at all possible. Dilute the contents of each flask to volume with solvent.

Introduce each of the solutions into the instrument using the same number of replicates for each solution, to obtain a steady reading.

Calculation Calculate the linear equation of the graph using a least-squares fit, and derive from it the concentration of the element to be determined in the test solution.

Validation of the method

Satisfactory performance of methods prescribed in monographs is verified at suitable time intervals.


Prepare and analyse not fewer than 4 reference solutions over the calibration range and a blank solution. Perform not fewer than 5 replicates.

The calibration curve is calculated by least-square regression from all measured data. The regression curve, the means, the measured data and the confidence interval of the calibration curve are plotted. The operating method is valid when:

  • — the correlation coefficient is at least 0.99,
  • — the residuals of each calibration level are randomly distributed around the calibration curve.

Calculate the mean and relative standard deviation for the lowest and highest calibration level.

When the ratio of the estimated standard deviation of the lowest and the highest calibration level is less than 0.5 or greater than 2.0, a more precise estimation of the calibration curve may be obtained using weighted linear regression. Both linear and quadratic weighting functions are applied to the data to find the most appropriate weighting function to be employed. If the means compared to the calibration curve show a deviation from linearity, two-dimensional linear regression is used.


Verify the accuracy preferably by using a certified reference material (CRM). Where this is not possible, perform a test for recovery.

Recovery For assay determinations a recovery of 90 per cent to 110 per cent is to be obtained. For other determinations, for example for trace element determination, the test is not valid if recovery is outside of the range 80 per cent to 120 per cent at the theoretical value. Recovery may be determined on a suitable reference solution (matrix solution) which is spiked with a known quantity of analyte (middle concentration of the calibration range).


The repeatability is not greater than 3 per cent for an assay and not greater than 5 per cent for an impurity test.

Limit of quantification

Verify that the limit of quantification (for example, determined using the 10 σ approach) is below the value to be measured.

Inductively Coupled Plasma-atomic Emission Spectrometry
(Ph. Eur. method 2.2.57)
General principle

Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) is an atomic emission spectrometry method that uses an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) as the excitation source.

An ICP is a highly ionised inert gas (usually argon) with equal numbers of electrons and ions sustained by a radio-frequency (RF) field. The high temperature reached in the plasma successively desolvates, vaporises, excites - atomic emission spectrometry (AES) detection - and ionises - mass spectrometry (MS) detection - atoms from the sample. Detection limits are, generally, in the lower nanogram (ICP-MS) to microgram (ICP-AES) per litre range.

The plasma is formed by a tangential stream of support gas through a 'torch', i.e. a system consisting of 3 concentric quartz tubes. A metal coil (the load coil) surrounds the top end of the torch and is connected to a radio-frequency (RF) generator. Power (usually 700-1500 W) is applied through the coil and an oscillating magnetic field corresponding to the frequency of the generator (in most cases 27 MHz, 40 MHz) is formed. The plasma forms when the support gas is made conductive by exposing it to an electric discharge, which produces seed electrons and ions. Inside the induced magnetic field, the charged particles (electrons and ions) are forced to flow in a closed annular path. As they meet resistance to their flow, heating takes place producing additional ionisation. The process occurs almost instantaneously, and the plasma expands to its full strength and dimensions. The radio-frequency oscillation of the power applied through the coil causes radio-frequency electric and magnetic fields to be set up in the area at the top of the torch. When a spark (produced by a Tesla tube or some other seeding device) is applied to the support gas flowing through the torch, some electrons are stripped from the support gas atoms. These electrons are then caught up in the magnetic field and accelerated. Adding energy to the electrons by the use of a coil is known as inductive coupling. These high-energy electrons in turn collide with other support-gas atoms, stripping off still more electrons. The collisional ionisation of the support gas continues in a chain reaction, breaking down the gas into a physical plasma consisting of support-gas atoms, electrons and support-gas ions. The plasma is then sustained within the torch and load coil as radio-frequency energy is continually transferred to it through the inductive coupling process.

The ICP appears as an intense, very bright, plume-shaped plasma. At the base the plasma is toroidal, and this is referred to as the induction region (IR), i.e. the region in which the inductive energy transfer from the load coil to the plasma takes place. The sample is introduced through the induction region into the centre of the plasma.


The apparatus consists essentially of the following elements:

  • — sample-introduction system consisting of a peristaltic pump delivering the solution at constant flow rate into a nebuliser;
  • — radio-frequency (RF) generator;
  • — plasma torch;
  • — transfer optics focussing the image of the plasma at the entrance slit of the spectrometer; radial viewing is better for difficult matrices (alkalis, organics), whereas axial viewing gives more intensity and better detection limits in simple matrices;
  • — wavelength dispersive devices consisting of diffraction gratings, prisms, filters or interferometers;
  • — detectors converting radiant energy into electrical energy;
  • — data-acquisition unit.

Interference is anything that causes the signal from an analyte in a sample to be different from the signal for the same concentration of that analyte in a calibration solution. The well-known chemical interference that is encountered in flame atomic absorption spectrometry is usually weak in ICP-AES. In rare cases where interference occurs, it may be necessary to increase the RF power or to reduce the inner support-gas flow to eliminate it. The interference in ICP-AES can be of spectral origin or even the result of high concentrations of certain elements or matrix compounds. Physical interference (due to differences in viscosity and surface tension of the sample and calibration standards) can be minimised by dilution of the sample, matrix matching, use of internal standards or through application of the method of standard additions.

Another type of interference occasionally encountered in ICP-AES is the so-called 'easily ionised elements (EIEs) effect'. The EIEs are those elements that are ionised much more easily, for example alkaline metals and alkaline earths. In samples that contain high concentrations of EIEs (more than 0.1 per cent), suppression or enhancement of emission signals is likely to occur.

Spectral interference This may be due to other lines or shifts in background intensity. These lines may correspond to argon (observed above 300 nm), OH bands due to the decomposition of water (at about 300 nm), NO bands due to the interaction of the plasma with the ambient air (between 200 nm and 300 nm), and other elements in the sample, especially those present at high concentrations. The interference falls into 4 different categories: simple background shift, sloping background shift, direct spectral overlap, and complex background shift.

Absorption interference This arises when part of the emission from an analyte is absorbed before it reaches the detector. This effect is observed particularly when the concentration of a strongly emitting element is so high that the atoms or ions of that element that are in the lower energy state of transition absorb significant amounts of the radiation emitted by the relevant excited species. This effect, known as self-absorption, determines the upper end of the linear working range for a given emission line.

Multicomponent spectral fitting Multiple emission-line determinations are commonly used to overcome problems with spectral interferences. A better, more accurate method for performing spectral interference corrections is to use the information obtained with advanced detector systems through multicomponent spectral fitting. This quantifies not only the interference, but also the background contribution from the matrix, thereby creating a correction formula. Multicomponent spectral fitting utilises a multiple linear-squares model based on the analysis of pure analyte, the matrix and the blank, creating an interference-corrected mathematical model. This permits the determination of the analyte emission in a complex matrix with improved detection limits and accuracy.

sample preparation and sample introduction

The basic goal for the sample preparation is to ensure that the analyte concentration falls within the working range of the instrument through dilution or preconcentration, and that the sample-containing solution can be nebulised in a reproducible manner.

Several sample-introduction systems tolerate high acid concentrations, but the use of sulphuric and phosphoric acids can contribute to background emission observed in the ICP spectra. Therefore, nitric and hydrochloric acids are preferable. The availability of hydrofluoric acid-resistant (for example perfluoroalkoxy polymer) sample-introduction systems and torches also allows the use of hydrofluoric acid. In selecting a sample-introduction method, the requirements for sensitivity, stability, speed, sample size, corrosion resistance and resistance to clogging have to be considered. The use of a cross-flow nebuliser combined with a spray chamber and torch is suitable for most requirements. The peristaltic pumps used for ICP-AES usually deliver the standard and sample solutions at a rate of 1 ml/min or less.

In the case of organic solvents being used, the introduction of oxygen must be considered to avoid organic layers.

choice of operating conditions

The standard operating conditions prescribed by the manufacturer are to be followed. Usually, different sets of operating conditions are used for aqueous solutions and for organic solvents. Suitable operating parameters are to be properly chosen:

  • — wavelength selection;
  • — support-gas flow rates (outer, intermediate and inner tubes of the torch);
  • — RF power;
  • — viewing position (radial or axial);
  • — pump speed;
  • — conditions for the detector (gain/voltage for photomultiplier tube detectors, others for array detectors);
  • — integration time (time set to measure the emission intensity at each wavelength).
Control of instrument performance
system suitability

The following tests may be carried out with a multi-element control solution to ensure the adequate performance of the ICP-AES system:

  • — energy transfer (generator, torch, plasma); measurement of the ratio Mg II (280.270 nm)/Mg I (285.213 nm) may be used;
  • — sample transfer, by checking nebuliser efficiency and stability;
  • — resolution (optical system), by measuring peak widths at half height, for example As (189.042 nm), Mn (257.610 nm), Cu (324.754 nm) or Ba (455.403 nm);
  • — analytical performance, by calculating detection limits of selected elements over the wavelength range.
Validation of the method

Satisfactory performance of methods prescribed in monographs is verified at suitable time intervals.


Prepare and analyse not fewer than 4 reference solutions over the calibration range plus a blank. Perform not fewer than 5 replicates.

The calibration curve is calculated by least-square regression from all measured data of the calibration test. The regression curve, the means, the measured data and the confidence interval of the calibration curve are plotted. The operating method is valid when:

  • — the correlation coefficient is at least 0.99;
  • — the residuals of each calibration level are randomly distributed around the calibration curve.

Calculate the mean and relative standard deviation for the lowest and for the highest calibration level.

When the ratio of the estimated standard deviations of the lowest and the highest calibration level is less than 0.5 or greater than 2.0, a more precise estimation of the calibration curve may be obtained using weighted linear regression. Both linear and quadratic weighting functions are applied to the data to find the most appropriate weighting function to be employed.

If the means compared to the calibration curve show a deviation from linearity, two-dimensional linear regression is used.


Verify the accuracy preferably by using a certified reference material (CRM). Where this is not possible, perform a test for recovery.

Recovery For assay determinations a recovery of 90 per cent to 110 per cent is to be obtained. The test is not valid if recovery, for example for trace-element determination, is outside of the range 80 per cent to 120 per cent of the theoretical value. Recovery may be determined on a suitable reference solution (matrix solution) spiked with a known quantity of analyte (concentration range that is relevant to the samples to be determined).


The repeatability is not greater than 3 per cent for an assay and not greater than 5 per cent for an impurity test.

limit of quantification

Verify that the limit of quantification (for example, determined using the 10 σ approach) is below the value to be measured.

Atomic absorption spectrometry
(Ph. Eur. method 2.2.23)
General principle

Atomic absorption is a process that occurs when a ground state-atom absorbs electromagnetic radiation of a specific wavelength and is elevated to an excited state. The atoms in the ground state absorb energy at their resonant frequency and the electromagnetic radiation is attenuated due to resonance absorption. The energy absorption is virtually a direct function of the number of atoms present.

This chapter provides general information and defines the procedures used in element determinations by atomic absorption spectrometry, either atomisation by flame, by electrothermal vaporisation in a graphite furnace, by hydride generation or by cold vapour technique for mercury.

Atomic absorption spectrometry is a technique for determining the concentration of an element in a sample by measuring the absorption of electromagnetic radiation by the atomic vapour of the element generated from the sample. The determination is carried out at the wavelength of one of the absorption (resonance) lines of the element concerned. The amount of radiation absorbed is, according to the Lambert-Beer law, proportional to the element concentration.


This consists essentially of:

  • — a source of radiation;
  • — a sample introduction device;
  • — a sample atomiser;
  • — a monochromator or polychromator;
  • — a detector;
  • — a data-acquisition unit.

The apparatus is usually equipped with a background correction system. Hollow-cathode lamps and electrodeless discharge lamps (EDL) are used as radiation source. The emission of such lamps consists of a spectrum showing very narrow lines with half-width of about 0.002 nm of the element being determined.

There are 3 types of sample atomisers:

  • — Flame technique

A flame atomiser is composed of a nebulisation system with a pneumatic aerosol production accessory, a gas-flow regulation and a burner. Fuel-oxidant mixtures are commonly used to produce a range of temperatures from about 2000 K to 3000 K. Fuel gases include propane, hydrogen and acetylene; air and nitrous oxide are used as oxidants. The configuration of the burner is adapted to the gases used and the gas flow is adjustable. Samples are nebulised, acidified water being the solvent of choice for preparing test and reference solutions. Organic solvents may also be used if precautions are taken to ensure that the solvent does not interfere with the stability of the flame.

  • — Electrothermal atomisation technique

An electrothermal atomiser is generally composed of a graphite tube furnace and an electric power source. Electrothermal atomisation in a graphite tube furnace atomises the entire sample and retains the atomic vapour in the light path for an extended period. This improves the detection limit. Samples, liquid as well as solid, are introduced directly into the graphite tube furnace, which is heated in a programmed series of steps to dry the sample and remove major matrix components by pyrolysis and to then atomise all of the analyte. The furnace is cleaned using a final temperature higher than the atomisation temperature. The flow of an inert gas during the pyrolysis step in the graphite tube furnace allows a better performance of the subsequent atomisation process.

  • — Cold vapour and hydride technique

The atomic vapour may also be generated outside the spectrometer. This is notably the case for the cold-vapour method for mercury or for certain hydride-forming elements such as arsenic, antimony, bismuth, selenium and tin. For mercury, atoms are generated by chemical reduction with stannous chloride or sodium borohydride and the atomic vapour is swept by a stream of an inert gas into a cold quartz cell mounted in the optical path of the instrument. Hydrides thus generated are swept by an inert gas into a heated cell in which they are dissociated into atoms.


Chemical, physical, ionisation and spectral interferences are encountered in atomic absorption measurements. Chemical interference is compensated by addition of matrix modifiers, of releasing agents or by using high temperature produced by a nitrous oxide-acetylene flame; the use of specific ionisation buffers (for example, lanthanum and caesium) compensates for ionisation interference; by dilution of the sample, through the method of standard additions or by matrix matching, physical interference due to high salt content or viscosity is eliminated. Spectral interference results from the overlapping of resonance lines and can be avoided by using a different resonance line. The use of Zeeman background correction also compensates for spectral interference and interferences from molecular absorption, especially when using the electrothermal atomisation technique. The use of multi-element hollow-cathode lamps may also cause spectral interference. Specific or non-specific absorption is measured in a spectral range defined by the band-width selected by the monochromator (0.2-2 nm).

Background correction

Scatter and background in the flame or the electrothermal atomisation technique increase the measured absorbance values. Background absorption covers a large range of wavelengths, whereas atomic absorption takes place in a very narrow wavelength range of about 0.005-0.02 nm. Background absorption can in principle be corrected by using a blank solution of exactly the same composition as the sample, but without the specific element to be determined, although this method is frequently impracticable. With the electrothermal atomisation technique the pyrolysis temperature is to be optimised to eliminate the matrix decomposition products causing background absorption. Background correction can also be made by using 2 different light sources, the hollow-cathode lamp that measures the total absorption (element + background) and a deuterium lamp with a continuum emission from which the background absorption is measured. Background is corrected by subtracting the deuterium lamp signal from the hollow-cathode lamp signal. This method is limited in the spectral range on account of the spectra emitted by a deuterium lamp from 190-400 nm. Background can also be measured by taking readings at a non-absorbing line near the resonance line and then subtracting the results from the measurement at the resonance line. Another method for the correction of background absorption is the Zeeman effect (based on the Zeeman splitting of the absorption line in a magnetic field). This is particularly useful when the background absorption shows fine structure. It permits an efficient background correction in the range of 185-900 nm.

Choice of the operating conditions

After selecting the suitable wavelength and slit width for the specific element, the need for the following has to be ascertained:

  • — correction for non-specific background absorption,
  • — chemical modifiers or ionisation buffers to be added to the sample as well as to blank and reference solutions,
  • — dilution of the sample to minimise, for example, physical interferences,
  • — details of the temperature programme, preheating, drying, pyrolysis, atomisation, post-atomisation with ramp and hold times,
  • — inert gas flow,
  • — matrix modifiers for electrothermal atomisation (furnace),
  • — chemical reducing reagents for measurements of mercury or other hydride-forming elements along with cold vapour cell or heating cell temperature,
  • — specification of furnace design (tank, L'vov platform, etc).

Use of plastic labware is recommended wherever possible. The preparation of the sample may require a dissolution, a digestion (mostly microwave-assisted), an ignition step or a combination thereof in order to clear up the sample matrix and/or to remove carbon-containing material. If operating in an open system, the ignition temperature should not exceed 600 °C, due to the volatility of some metals, unless otherwise stated in the monograph.

Operate an atomic absorption spectrometer in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions at the prescribed wavelength. Introduce a blank solution into the atomic generator and adjust the instrument reading so that it indicates maximum transmission. The blank value may be determined by using solvent to zero the apparatus. Introduce the most concentrated reference solution and adjust the sensitivity to obtain a maximum absorbance reading. Rinse in order to avoid contamination and memory effects. After completing the analysis, rinse with water R or acidified water.

If a solid sampling technique is applied, full details of the procedure are provided in the monograph.

Ensure that the concentrations to be determined fall preferably within the linear part of the calibration curve. If this is not possible, the calibration plots may also be curved and are then to be applied with appropriate calibration software.

Determinations are made by comparison with reference solutions with known concentrations of the element to be determined either by the method of direct calibration (Method I) or the method of standard additions (Method II).

Method I - Direct Calibration

For routine measurements 3 reference solutions and a blank solution are prepared and examined.

Prepare the solution of the substance to be examined (test solution) as prescribed in the monograph. Prepare not fewer than 3 reference solutions of the element to be determined, the concentrations of which span the expected value in the test solution. For assay purposes, optimal calibration levels are between 0.7 and 1.3 times the expected content of the element to be determined or the limit prescribed in the monograph. For purity determination, calibration levels are the limit of detection and 1.2 times the limit specified for the element to be determined. Any reagents used in the preparation of the test solution are added to the reference and blank solutions at the same concentration.

Introduce each of the solutions into the instrument using the same number of replicates for each of the solutions to obtain a steady reading.

Calculation Prepare a calibration curve from the mean of the readings obtained with the reference solutions by plotting the means as a function of concentration. Determine the concentration of the element in the test solution from the curve obtained.

Method II - Standard Additions

Add to at least 3 similar volumetric flasks equal volumes of the solution of the substance to be examined (test solution) prepared as prescribed. Add to all but 1 of the flasks progressively larger volumes of a reference solution containing a known concentration of the element to be determined to produce a series of solutions containing steadily increasing concentrations of that element known to give responses in the linear part of the curve, if possible. Dilute the contents of each flask to volume with solvent.

Introduce each of the solutions into the instrument, using the same number of replicates for each of the solutions, to obtain a steady reading.

Calculation Calculate the linear equation of the graph using a least-squares fit and derive from it the concentration of the element to be determined in the test solution.

Validation of the method

Satisfactory performance of methods prescribed in monographs is verified at suitable time intervals.


Prepare and analyse not fewer than 4 reference solutions over the calibration range and a blank solution. Perform not fewer than 5 replicates.

The calibration curve is calculated by least-square regression from all measured data. The regression curve, the means, the measured data and the confidence interval of the calibration curve are plotted. The operating method is valid when:

  • — the correlation coefficient is at least 0.99,
  • — the residuals of each calibration level are randomly distributed around the calibration curve.

Calculate the mean and relative standard deviation for the lowest and highest calibration level.

When the ratio of the estimated standard deviation of the lowest and the highest calibration level is less than 0.5 or greater than 2.0, a more precise estimation of the calibration curve may be obtained using weighted linear regression. Both linear and quadratic weighting functions are applied to the data to find the most appropriate weighting function to be employed. If the means compared to the calibration curve show a deviation from linearity, two-dimensional linear regression is used.


Verify the accuracy preferably by using a certified reference material (CRM). Where this is not possible, perform a test for recovery.

Recovery For assay determinations a recovery of 90 per cent to 110 per cent is to be obtained. For other determinations, for example, for trace element determination the test is not valid if recovery is outside of the range 80 per cent to 120 per cent at the theoretical value. Recovery may be determined on a suitable reference solution (matrix solution) which is spiked with a known quantity of analyte (middle concentration of the calibration range).


The repeatability is not greater than 3 per cent for an assay and not greater than 5 per cent for an impurity test.

Limit of quantification

Verify that the limit of quantification (for example, determined using the 10 σ approach) is below the value to be measured.