• British Pharmacopoeia Volume V
  • Appendices
  • Appendix I B. Volumetric Reagents and Solutions
  • Volumetric Solutions

Hydrochloric Acid VS

Hydrochloric Acid VS HCl = 36.46

For a 0.1m solution Dilute 8.5 mL of hydrochloric acid with sufficient water to produce 1000 mL.

Ascertain its exact concentration in the following manner. Dissolve 0.1 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate in 20 mL of water, add 0.1 mL of methyl orange solution and titrate with the hydrochloric acid until the solution becomes reddish yellow. Boil for 2 minutes and continue the titration until the reddish yellow colour is restored. Each mL of 0.1m hydrochloric acid VS is equivalent to 5.30 mg of Na2CO3.

For a 1m solution Dilute 103.0 g of hydrochloric acid to 1000 mL with water.

Ascertain its exact concentration as described for the 0.1m solution using 1.000 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate dissolved in 50 mL of water. Each mL of 1m hydrochloric acid VS is equivalent to 53.00 mg of Na2CO3.

For a 2m solution Dilute 206.0 g of hydrochloric acid to 1000 mL with water.

For a 3m solution Dilute 309.0 g of hydrochloric acid to 1000 mL with water.

For a 6m solution Dilute 618.0 g of hydrochloric acid to 1000 mL with water.