• British Pharmacopoeia Volume V
  • Appendices

Appendix IX G. Determination of Nitrogen Monoxide and Nitrogen Dioxide in Medicinal Gases

(Ph. Eur. method 2.5.26)

Nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide in gases are determined using a chemiluminescence analyser (Figure 2.5.26.-1).

The apparatus consists of the following:

  • — a device for filtering, checking and controlling the flow of the gas to be examined,
  • — a converter that reduces nitrogen dioxide to nitrogen monoxide, to determine the combined content of nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. The efficiency of the converter has to be verified prior to use,
  • — a controlled-flow-rate ozone generator; the ozone is produced by high-voltage electric discharges across two electrodes; the ozone generator is supplied with pure oxygen or with dehydrated ambient air and the concentration of ozone obtained must greatly exceed the maximum content of any detectable nitrogen oxides,
  • — a chamber in which nitrogen monoxide and ozone can react,
  • — a system for detecting light radiation emitted at a wavelength of 1.2 µm, consisting of a selective optical filter and a photomultiplier tube.
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