• British Pharmacopoeia Volume V
  • Appendices
  • Appendix I A. General Reagents


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Tetrahydrofuran Tetramethylene oxide; C4H8O = 72.11 (109-99-9)

Analytical reagent grade of commerce.

A clear, colourless, flammable liquid; boiling point, about 66°; bp2013_v5_47_1003_[appendix_i_a]_t_ep7-7_ep_revised_texts d_20_20.png, about 0.89.

Do not distil unless it complies with the following test.

Peroxides Place 8 mL of potassium iodide and starch solution in a ground-glass-stoppered cylinder with a capacity of 12 mL and about 1.5 cm in diameter and add sufficient of the substance being examined to fill the cylinder completely, shake vigorously and allow to stand for 30 minutes protected from light. No colour is produced.

Tetrahydrofuran used in spectrophotometry complies with the following test.

Transmittance Not less than 20% at 255 nm, 80% at 270 nm and 98% at 310 nm determined using water in the reference cell.