Diluted Alcohol
Diluted Alcohol is a mixture of Alcohol and water containing NLT 41.0% and NMT 42.0% by weight, corresponding to NLT 48.4% and NMT 49.5% by volume, at 15.56, of C2H5OH.
Diluted Alcohol may be prepared as follows.
Alcohol 500 mL
Purified Water 500 mL
Measure the Alcohol and the Purified Water separately at the same temperature, and mix. If the water and the Alcohol and the resulting mixture are measured at 25, the volume of the mixture will be 970 mL.
•  Specific Gravity 841: 0.935–0.937 at 15.56, indicating 41.0%–42.0% by weight, or between 48.4% and 49.5% by volume, of C2H5OH
•  Other Requirements: In other respects, it meets the requirements in Alcohol, allowance being made for the difference in alcohol concentration.
•  Packaging and Storage: Preserve in tight containers, remote from fire.
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Topic/Question Contact Expert Committee
Monograph Galina Holloway, Ph.D.
Senior Scientific Liaison
(301) 816-8133
(EXC2010) Monographs - Excipients
USP38–NF33 Page 6512