Structural Formula Vector Image
Title: Indanazoline
CAS Registry Number: 40507-78-6
CAS Name: N-(2,3-Dihydro-1H-inden-4-yl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-2-amine
Additional Names: N-(2-imidazolin-2-yl)-N-(4-indanyl)amine
Molecular Formula: C12H15N3
Molecular Weight: 201.27
Percent Composition: C 71.61%, H 7.51%, N 20.88%
Literature References: Prepn: H. J. May, A. Berg, DE 2136325; eidem, US 3882229 (1973, 1975 both to Nordmark); H. J. May, Arzneim.-Forsch. 30, 1733 (1980). Toxicity data: W. Worstmann et al., ibid. 1760. Series of articles on galenical development, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and toxicity: ibid. 1738-1787.
Properties: Crystals from petr ether, mp 109-113°.
Melting point: mp 109-113°
Derivative Type: Hydrochloride
CAS Registry Number: 40507-80-0
Manufacturers' Codes: E-VA-16
Trademarks: Farial (Riemser)
Molecular Formula: C12H15N3.HCl
Molecular Weight: 237.73
Percent Composition: C 60.63%, H 6.78%, N 17.68%, Cl 14.91%
Properties: Crystals from isopropanol, mp 182-184°. LD50 in male, female mice (mg/kg): 179, 233 orally; 22.3, 26.9 i.v.; in male, female rats: 481, 542 orally; 16.3, 17.6 i.v. (Worstmann).
Melting point: mp 182-184°
Toxicity data: LD50 in male, female mice (mg/kg): 179, 233 orally; 22.3, 26.9 i.v.; in male, female rats: 481, 542 orally; 16.3, 17.6 i.v. (Worstmann)
Therap-Cat: Decongestant (nasal).
Keywords: a-Adrenergic Agonist; Decongestant.

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