Structural Formula Vector Image
Title: Sertaconazole
CAS Registry Number: 99592-32-2
CAS Name: 1-[2-[(7-Chlorobenzo[b]thien-3-yl)methoxy]-2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)ethyl]-1H-imidazole
Additional Names: (±)-1-[2,4-dichloro-b-[(7-chlorobenzo[b]thien-3-yl)methoxy]phenethyl]imidazole; 7-chloro-3-[1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethoxy-methyl]benzo[b]thiophene
Manufacturers' Codes: FI-7045
Molecular Formula: C20H15Cl3N2OS
Molecular Weight: 437.77
Percent Composition: C 54.87%, H 3.45%, Cl 24.30%, N 6.40%, O 3.65%, S 7.32%
Literature References: Prepn: R. Foguet et al., EP 151477; eidem, US 5135943 (1985, 1992 both to Ferrer). Synthesis, antifungal activity, pharmacology, toxicology and clinical evaluations: Arzneimittel-Forsch. 42, 689-774 (1992). Physical props: C. Albet et al., ibid. 695. HPLC determn: eidem, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 10, 205 (1992).
Properties: mp 146-147°.
Melting point: mp 146-147°
Derivative Type: Nitrate
CAS Registry Number: 99592-39-9
Manufacturers' Codes: FI-7056
Trademarks: Dermofix (Ferrer); Zalain (Robert)
Molecular Formula: C20H15Cl3N2OS.HNO3
Molecular Weight: 500.78
Percent Composition: C 47.97%, H 3.22%, Cl 21.24%, N 8.39%, O 12.78%, S 6.40%
Properties: Odorless, white crystalline powder, mp 158-160°. Fairly sol in ethanol (1.7%); chloroform (1.5%); slightly sol in acetone (0.95%); very slightly sol in n-octanol (0.069%). Practically insol in water (<0.01%). pKb: 7.26. uv max (methanol): 302.3 (A1cm1% 79.8), 292.9 260.3 nm.
Melting point: mp 158-160°
pKa: pKb: 7.26
Absorption maximum: uv max (methanol): 302.3 (A1cm1% 79.8), 292.9 260.3 nm
Therap-Cat: Antifungal.
Keywords: Antifungal (Synthetic); Imidazoles.

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