Terebic Acid
Structural Formula Vector Image
Title: Terebic Acid
CAS Registry Number: 79-91-4
CAS Name: Tetrahydro-2,2-dimethyl-5-oxo-3-furancarboxylic acid
Additional Names: tetrahydro-2,2-dimethyl-5-oxo-3-furoic acid; terebinic acid; (1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)succinic acid g-lactone
Molecular Formula: C7H10O4
Molecular Weight: 158.15
Percent Composition: C 53.16%, H 6.37%, O 40.47%
Literature References: Prepared from fumaric or maleic acid: Schenck, Steinmetz, Tetrahedron Letters no. 21, 1 (1960); Lipp et al., Ann. 644, 37 (1961). Prepn of optical isomers: Fredga, C.A. 42, 123g (1948); Delépine, Badoche, Compt. Rend. 235, 1069 (1952).
Properties: Crystals, mp 174-175°, but begins to volatilize at 100°. d 0.815. Slightly sol in cold water, freely in boiling water or warm alcohol.
Melting point: mp 174-175°
Density: d 0.815
Derivative Type: (+)-Form
Properties: [a]D25 +13.2° (c = 0.03 in acetone).
Optical Rotation: [a]D25 +13.2° (c = 0.03 in acetone)
Derivative Type: (-)-Form
Properties: mp 201-205° (dec). [a]D25 -13.2° (c = 0.03 in acetone).
Melting point: mp 201-205° (dec)
Optical Rotation: [a]D25 -13.2° (c = 0.03 in acetone)

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