美国FDA药品数据库(U.S. FDA Drugs Database)
检索条件:" 药品名称=ALTACE"
商品名 申请号 产品号 申请类型 活性成分 剂型/给药途径 规格/剂量 RLD RS 申请号原始批准/暂定批准日期 产品号批准日期 申请人 市场状态
ALTACE 019901 001 NDA RAMIPRIL CAPSULE;ORAL 1.25MG Yes No 1991/01/28 1991/01/28 KING PHARMS LLC Prescription
ALTACE 019901 002 NDA RAMIPRIL CAPSULE;ORAL 2.5MG Yes No 1991/01/28 1991/01/28 KING PHARMS LLC Prescription
ALTACE 019901 003 NDA RAMIPRIL CAPSULE;ORAL 5MG Yes No 1991/01/28 1991/01/28 KING PHARMS LLC Prescription
ALTACE 019901 004 NDA RAMIPRIL CAPSULE;ORAL 10MG Yes Yes 1991/01/28 1991/01/28 KING PHARMS LLC Prescription
ALTACE 022021 001 NDA RAMIPRIL TABLET;ORAL 1.25MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons** Yes No 2007/02/27 2007/02/27 KING PFIZER Discontinued
ALTACE 022021 002 NDA RAMIPRIL TABLET;ORAL 2.5MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons** Yes No 2007/02/27 2007/02/27 KING PFIZER Discontinued
ALTACE 022021 003 NDA RAMIPRIL TABLET;ORAL 5MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons** Yes No 2007/02/27 2007/02/27 KING PFIZER Discontinued
ALTACE 022021 004 NDA RAMIPRIL TABLET;ORAL 10MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons** Yes No 2007/02/27 2007/02/27 KING PFIZER Discontinued
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