*** CHEMICAL IDENTIFICATION *** RTECS NUMBER : YV6489100 CHEMICAL NAME : Valeric acid, 5-dimethylamino-2,2-diphenyl-, ethyl ester, hydrochloride LAST UPDATED : 199706 DATA ITEMS CITED : 3 MOLECULAR FORMULA : C21-H27-N-O2.Cl-H MOLECULAR WEIGHT : 361.95 COMPOUND DESCRIPTOR : Drug Primary Irritant SYNONYMS/TRADE NAMES : * D-405 * 5-Dimethylamino-2,2-diphenyl-valeric acid ethyl ester hydrochloride * Ethyl 5-dimethylamino-2,2-diphenylpentanoate hydrochloride * Pentanoic acid, 5-(dimethylamino)-2,2-diphenyl-, ethyl ester, hydrochloride *** HEALTH HAZARD DATA *** ** SKIN/EYE IRRITATION DATA ** TYPE OF TEST : Standard Draize test ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Administration into the eye SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rabbit DOSE/DURATION : 5000 ppm/3M REFERENCE : JAPMA8 Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Scientific Edition. (Washington, DC) V.29-49, 1940-60. For publisher information, see JPMSAE. Volume(issue)/page/year: 44,743,1955 ** ACUTE TOXICITY DATA ** TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intraperitoneal SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 84100 ug/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Brain and Coverings - recordings from specific areas of CNS Behavioral - convulsions or effect on seizure threshold Behavioral - excitement REFERENCE : JAPMA8 Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Scientific Edition. (Washington, DC) V.29-49, 1940-60. For publisher information, see JPMSAE. Volume(issue)/page/year: 44,743,1955 ** OTHER MULTIPLE DOSE TOXICITY DATA ** TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intraperitoneal SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 450 mg/kg/30D-I TOXIC EFFECTS : Blood - changes in spleen REFERENCE : JAPMA8 Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Scientific Edition. (Washington, DC) V.29-49, 1940-60. For publisher information, see JPMSAE. Volume(issue)/page/year: 44,743,1955 *** END OF RECORD ***