*** CHEMICAL IDENTIFICATION *** RTECS NUMBER : GB6260000 CHEMICAL NAME : Chromium, ion (Cr 2+) CAS REGISTRY NUMBER : 22541-79-3 LAST UPDATED : 199712 DATA ITEMS CITED : 8 MOLECULAR FORMULA : Cr MOLECULAR WEIGHT : 52.00 COMPOUND DESCRIPTOR : Mutagen SYNONYMS/TRADE NAMES : * Chromium (2+) * Chromium (II) * Chromium (2+) ion * Chromous ion *** HEALTH HAZARD DATA *** ** MUTATION DATA ** TYPE OF TEST : DNA adduct TEST SYSTEM : Bacteria - Escherichia coli DOSE/DURATION : 5 umol/L REFERENCE : MUREAV Mutation Research. (Elsevier Science Pub. B.V., POB 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands) V.1- 1964- Volume(issue)/page/year: 89,95,1981 TYPE OF TEST : DNA adduct TEST SYSTEM : Rodent - mouse Ascites tumor DOSE/DURATION : 5 umol/L REFERENCE : MUREAV Mutation Research. (Elsevier Science Pub. B.V., POB 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands) V.1- 1964- Volume(issue)/page/year: 89,95,1981 *** REVIEWS *** ACGIH TLV-TWA 0.5 mg(Cr)/m3 DTLVS* The Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) booklet issues by American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), Cincinnati, OH, 1996 Volume(issue)/page/year: TLV/BEI,1997 ACGIH TLV-Not classifiable as a human carcinogen DTLVS* The Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) booklet issues by American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), Cincinnati, OH, 1996 Volume(issue)/page/year: TLV/BEI,1997 *** U.S. STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS *** MSHA STANDARD-air:TWA 1 mg(Cr)/m3 DTLVS* The Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) booklet issues by American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), Cincinnati, OH, 1996 Volume(issue)/page/year: 3,35,1971 *** NIOSH STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT AND SURVEILLANCE DATA *** NIOSH RECOMMENDED EXPOSURE LEVEL (REL) : NIOSH REL TO CHROMIUM(II) COMPOUNDS-air:10H TWA 0.5 mg/m3 REFERENCE : NIOSH* National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Reports and Memoranda. Volume(issue)/page/year: DHHS #92-100,1992 *** STATUS IN U.S. *** NIOSH Analytical Method, 1994: Chromium and compounds as Co, 7024 NIOSH Analytical Method, 1994: Elements by ICP, 7300 *** END OF RECORD ***