*** CHEMICAL IDENTIFICATION *** RTECS NUMBER : KH3800000 CHEMICAL NAME : Ethane CAS REGISTRY NUMBER : 74-84-0 LAST UPDATED : 199712 DATA ITEMS CITED : 17 MOLECULAR FORMULA : C2-H6 MOLECULAR WEIGHT : 30.08 WISWESSER LINE NOTATION : 2H SYNONYMS/TRADE NAMES : * Bimethyl * Dimethyl * Ethane * Ethyl hydride * Methylmethane *** REVIEWS *** ACGIH TLV-Simple asphyxiant, NO TWA DTLVS* The Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) booklet issues by American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), Cincinnati, OH, 1996 Volume(issue)/page/year: TLV/BEI,1997 *** U.S. STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS *** MSHA STANDARD:ASPHYXIANTS/GASES DTLWS* "Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values for Substances in Workroom Air," Supplements. For publisher information, see 85INA8. Volume(issue)/page/year: 3,18,1973 OSHA PEL (Construc):simple asphyxiant - inert gas and vapor CFRGBR Code of Federal Regulations. (U.S. Government Printing Office, Supt. of Documents, Washington, DC 20402) Volume(issue)/page/year: 29,1926.55,1994 OSHA PEL (Shipyard):Simple asphyxiants - inert gas and vapor CFRGBR Code of Federal Regulations. (U.S. Government Printing Office, Supt. of Documents, Washington, DC 20402) Volume(issue)/page/year: 29,1915.1000,1993 *** OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS *** OEL-AUSTRALIA:Asphyxiant JAN 1993 OEL-BELGIUM:Asphyxiant JAN 1993 OEL-HUNGARY:Asphyxiant JAN 1993 OEL-THE NETHERLANDS:Asphyxiant JAN 1993 OEL-SWITZERLAND:TWA 10000 ppm (12500 mg/m3) JAN 1993 OEL-UNITED KINGDOM:Asphyxiant JAN 1993 OEL IN BULGARIA, COLOMBIA, JORDAN, KOREA check ACGIH TLV OEL IN NEW ZEALAND, SINGAPORE, VIETNAM check ACGIH TLV *** NIOSH STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT AND SURVEILLANCE DATA *** NIOSH OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE SURVEY DATA : NOHS - National Occupational Hazard Survey (1974) NOHS Hazard Code - 29325 No. of Facilities: 164 (estimated) No. of Industries: 6 No. of Occupations: 7 No. of Employees: 2210 (estimated) NOES - National Occupational Exposure Survey (1983) NOES Hazard Code - 29325 No. of Facilities: 2369 (estimated) No. of Industries: 15 No. of Occupations: 36 No. of Employees: 56749 (estimated) No. of Female Employees: 2699 (estimated) *** STATUS IN U.S. *** EPA TSCA Section 8(b) CHEMICAL INVENTORY EPA TSCA Section 8(d) unpublished health/safety studies EPA TSCA TEST SUBMISSION (TSCATS) DATA BASE, JUNE 1998 *** END OF RECORD ***