*** CHEMICAL IDENTIFICATION *** RTECS NUMBER : OM3850000 CHEMICAL NAME : Magnesium oxide CAS REGISTRY NUMBER : 1309-48-4 LAST UPDATED : 199712 DATA ITEMS CITED : 33 MOLECULAR FORMULA : Mg-O MOLECULAR WEIGHT : 40.31 WISWESSER LINE NOTATION : MG O COMPOUND DESCRIPTOR : Tumorigen Human SYNONYMS/TRADE NAMES : * Akro-mag * Animag * Calcined brucite * Calcined magnesia * Calcined magnesite * Granmag * Magcal * Magchem 100 * Maglite * Magnesia * Magnesia USTA * Magnesium oxide fume * Magnezu tlenek * Magox * Magox 85 * Magox 90 * Magox 95 * Magox 98 * Magox OP * Marmag * Oxymag * Periclase * Seawater magnesia *** HEALTH HAZARD DATA *** ** ACUTE TOXICITY DATA ** TYPE OF TEST : TCLo - Lowest published toxic concentration ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Inhalation SPECIES OBSERVED : Human DOSE/DURATION : 400 mg/m3 TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : 38MKAJ "Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology," 3rd rev. ed., Clayton, G.D., and F.E. Clayton, eds., New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1978-82. Vol. 3 originally pub. in 1979; pub. as 2nd rev. ed. in 1985. Volume(issue)/page/year: 2A,1745,1981 ** OTHER MULTIPLE DOSE TOXICITY DATA ** TYPE OF TEST : TCLo - Lowest published toxic concentration ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Inhalation SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 1120 ug/m3/24H/29D-C TOXIC EFFECTS : Brain and Coverings - recordings from specific areas of CNS Blood - changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol) Biochemical - Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels - true cholinesterase REFERENCE : GISAAA Gigiena i Sanitariya. For English translation, see HYSAAV. (V/O Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga, 113095 Moscow, USSR) V.1- 1936- Volume(issue)/page/year: 49(11),82,1984 ** TUMORIGENIC DATA ** TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intratracheal SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - hamster DOSE/DURATION : 480 mg/kg/30W-I TOXIC EFFECTS : Tumorigenic - equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria Sense Organs and Special Senses (Olfaction) - tumors Lungs, Thorax, or Respiration - tumors REFERENCE : CNREA8 Cancer Research. (Public Ledger Building, Suit 816, 6th & Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, PA 19106) V.1- 1941- Volume(issue)/page/year: 33,2209,1973 *** REVIEWS *** ACGIH TLV-TWA 10 mg/m3 DTLVS* The Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) booklet issues by American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), Cincinnati, OH, 1996 Volume(issue)/page/year: TLV/BEI,1997 *** U.S. STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS *** MSHA STANDARD-air:TWA 10 mg/m3 (fume) DTLVS* The Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) booklet issues by American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), Cincinnati, OH, 1996 Volume(issue)/page/year: 3,147,1971 OSHA PEL (Gen Indu):8H TWA 15 mg/m3, total particulate CFRGBR Code of Federal Regulations. (U.S. Government Printing Office, Supt. of Documents, Washington, DC 20402) Volume(issue)/page/year: 29,1910.1000,1994 OSHA PEL (Construc):8H TWA 15 ppm, total particulate CFRGBR Code of Federal Regulations. (U.S. Government Printing Office, Supt. of Documents, Washington, DC 20402) Volume(issue)/page/year: 29,1926.55,1994 OSHA PEL (Shipyard):8H TWA 15 ppm, total particulate CFRGBR Code of Federal Regulations. (U.S. Government Printing Office, Supt. of Documents, Washington, DC 20402) Volume(issue)/page/year: 29,1915.1000,1993 OSHA PEL (Fed Cont):8H TWA 15 mg/m3 CFRGBR Code of Federal Regulations. (U.S. Government Printing Office, Supt. of Documents, Washington, DC 20402) Volume(issue)/page/year: 41,50-204.50,1994 *** OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS *** OEL-ARAB Republic of Egypt:TWA 10 mg/m3 JAN 1993 OEL-AUSTRALIA:TWA 10 mg/m3 JAN 1993 OEL-BELGIUM:TWA 10 mg/m3 JAN 1993 OEL-DENMARK:TWA 6 mg/m3 JAN 1993 OEL-FRANCE:TWA 10 mg/m3 JAN 1993 OEL-GERMANY:TWA 6 mg/m3 JAN 1993 OEL-HUNGARY:TWA 5 mg/m3;STEL 10 mg/m3 JAN 1993 OEL-THE NETHERLANDS:TWA 10 mg/m3 JAN 1993 OEL-THE PHILIPPINES:TWA 15 mg/m3 JAN 1993 OEL-POLAND:TWA 15 mg/m3 JAN 1993 OEL-RUSSIA:STEL 5 mg/m3 JAN 1993 OEL-SWITZERLAND:TWA 6 mg/m3 JAN 1993 OEL-SWITZERLAND:TWA 6 mg/m3;STEL 12 mg/m3 JAN 1993 OEL-TURKEY:TWA 15 mg/m3 JAN 1993 OEL-UNITED KINGDOM:TWA 10 mg/m3 (total dust) JAN 1993 OEL IN BULGARIA, COLOMBIA, JORDAN, KOREA check ACGIH TLV OEL IN NEW ZEALAND, SINGAPORE, VIETNAM check ACGIH TLV *** NIOSH STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT AND SURVEILLANCE DATA *** NIOSH OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE SURVEY DATA : NOHS - National Occupational Hazard Survey (1974) NOHS Hazard Code - 80298 No. of Facilities: 28931 (estimated) No. of Industries: 201 No. of Occupations: 134 No. of Employees: 354380 (estimated) NOES - National Occupational Exposure Survey (1983) NOES Hazard Code - 80298 No. of Facilities: 42587 (estimated) No. of Industries: 258 No. of Occupations: 177 No. of Employees: 765812 (estimated) No. of Female Employees: 149523 (estimated) *** STATUS IN U.S. *** EPA TSCA Section 8(b) CHEMICAL INVENTORY EPA TSCA Section 8(d) unpublished health/safety studies EPA TSCA TEST SUBMISSION (TSCATS) DATA BASE, JUNE 1998 NIOSH Analytical Method, 1994: Elements by ICP, 7300 OSHA ANALYTICAL METHOD #ID-125G *** END OF RECORD ***