*** CHEMICAL IDENTIFICATION *** RTECS NUMBER : SC6125000 CHEMICAL NAME : Peppermint oil CAS REGISTRY NUMBER : 8006-90-4 LAST UPDATED : 199701 DATA ITEMS CITED : 8 COMPOUND DESCRIPTOR : Mutagen Natural Product SYNONYMS/TRADE NAMES : * Pfefferminz oel *** HEALTH HAZARD DATA *** ** ACUTE TOXICITY DATA ** TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 2426 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Behavioral - ataxia Behavioral - muscle contraction or spasticity Lungs, Thorax, or Respiration - respiratory depression REFERENCE : JPMSAE Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. (American Pharmaceutical Assoc., 2215 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20037) V.50- 1961- Volume(issue)/page/year: 54,1071,1965 TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intraperitoneal SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 819 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Behavioral - convulsions or effect on seizure threshold Behavioral - ataxia Lungs, Thorax, or Respiration - respiratory depression REFERENCE : JPMSAE Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. (American Pharmaceutical Assoc., 2215 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20037) V.50- 1961- Volume(issue)/page/year: 54,1071,1965 TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - mouse DOSE/DURATION : 2490 mg/kg TOXIC EFFECTS : Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value REFERENCE : TOFOD5 Tokishikoroji Foramu. Toxicology Forum. (Saiensu Foramu, c/o Kida Bldg., 1-2-13 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan) V.6- 1983- Volume(issue)/page/year: 8,91,1985 ** OTHER MULTIPLE DOSE TOXICITY DATA ** TYPE OF TEST : TDLo - Lowest published toxic dose ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Oral SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - rat DOSE/DURATION : 9 gm/kg/90D-I TOXIC EFFECTS : Brain and Coverings - other degenerative changes Kidney, Ureter, Bladder - changes in tubules (including acute renal failure, acute tubular necrosis) REFERENCE : TOLED5 Toxicology Letters. (Elsevier Science Pub. B.V., POB 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands) V.1- 1977- Volume(issue)/page/year: 62,215,1992 ** MUTATION DATA ** TYPE OF TEST : DNA repair TEST SYSTEM : Bacteria - Bacillus subtilis DOSE/DURATION : 5 uL/disc REFERENCE : TOFOD5 Tokishikoroji Foramu. Toxicology Forum. (Saiensu Foramu, c/o Kida Bldg., 1-2-13 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan) V.6- 1983- Volume(issue)/page/year: 8,91,1985 *** NIOSH STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT AND SURVEILLANCE DATA *** NIOSH OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE SURVEY DATA : NOHS - National Occupational Hazard Survey (1974) NOHS Hazard Code - 80680 No. of Facilities: 178 (estimated) No. of Industries: 7 No. of Occupations: 26 No. of Employees: 11237 (estimated) NOES - National Occupational Exposure Survey (1983) NOES Hazard Code - 80680 No. of Facilities: 2988 (estimated) No. of Industries: 46 No. of Occupations: 55 No. of Employees: 67045 (estimated) No. of Female Employees: 21627 (estimated) *** STATUS IN U.S. *** EPA TSCA Section 8(b) CHEMICAL INVENTORY *** END OF RECORD ***