• British Pharmacopoeia Volume III
  • Formulated Preparations: Specific Monographs

Sodium Chloride Solution

General Notices

Sodium Chloride Solution is a 0.9% w/v cutaneous solution of Sodium Chloride in Purified Water. The solution may be clarified by filtration.

The solution complies with the requirements stated under Liquids for Cutaneous Application and with the following requirements.

Content of sodium chloride, NaCl

0.85 to 0.95% w/v.


A. When introduced on a platinum wire into a flame, imparts a yellow colour to the flame.

B. Yields reaction A characteristic of chlorides, Appendix VI.


Titrate 20 mL with 0.1m silver nitrate VS using potassium chromate solution as indicator. Each mL of 0.1m silver nitrate VS is equivalent to 5.844 mg of NaCl.


The label states, where applicable, that the contents of the container are sterile.

The label indicates the pharmaceutical form as 'cutaneous solution'.

When normal saline is prescribed or demanded, Sodium Chloride Solution shall be dispensed or supplied.

If the label states that the contents of the container are sterile, the solution complies with the following additional requirements.


Complies with the test for sterility, Appendix XVI A.


The label states (1) 'Sterile Sodium Chloride Solution'; (2) that the solution is not intended for injection; (3) the date after which the solution is not intended to be used; (4) the conditions under which it should be stored.