Salicylic Acid
(sal'' i sil' ik as' id).
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Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-;    

Salicylic acid    
Change to read:
Salicylic Acid contains NLT 98.0%USP38 and NMT 102.0%USP38 of salicylic acid (C7H6O3), calculated on the dried basis.
Delete the following:
•   A. In moderately dilute solutions of Salicylic Acid, ferric chloride TS produces a violet color.USP38
Add the following:
•   A. Infrared Absorption 197K USP38
Add the following:
•   B. The retention time of the major peak of the Sample solution corresponds to that of the Standard solution, as obtained in the Assay.USP38
Change to read:
•  Procedure
Mobile phase:  Methanol, glacial acetic acid, and water (40:1:60), prepared by adding 10 mL of glacial acetic acid to a solution containing 400 mL of methanol and 600 mL of water
Standard solution:  0.5 mg/mL of USP Salicylic Acid RS in Mobile phase. Sonicate to dissolve as needed.
Sample solution:  0.5 mg/mL of Salicylic Acid in Mobile phase. Sonicate to dissolve as needed.
Chromatographic system 
Mode:  LC
Detector:  UV 270 nm
Column:  4.6-mm × 10-cm; 5-µm packing L1
Flow rate:  1 mL/min
Injection volume:  10 µL
System suitability 
Sample:  Standard solution
Suitability requirements 
Tailing factor:  NMT 2.5
Relative standard deviation:  NMT 0.73%
Samples:  Standard solution and Sample solution
Calculate the percentage of salicylic acid (C7H6O3) in the portion of Salicylic Acid taken:
Result = (rU/rS) × (CS/CU) × 100

rU == peak response from the Sample solution
rS == peak response from the Standard solution
CS == concentration of USP Salicylic Acid RS in the Standard solution (mg/mL)
CU == concentration of Salicylic Acid in the Sample solution (mg/mL)
Acceptance criteria:  98.0%–102.0% on the dried basisUSP38
•  Residue on Ignition 281: NMT 0.05%
•  Chloride and Sulfate, Chloride 221
Sample:  1.5 g
Analysis:  Heat the Sample with 75 mL of water until it is dissolved. Cool, add water to restore the original volume, and filter.
Acceptance criteria:  A 25-mL portion of the filtrate shows no more chloride than corresponds to 0.10 mL of 0.020 N hydrochloric acid. (0.014%)
•  Chloride and Sulfate, Sulfate 221
Sample solution:  1.0 g in alcohol and water (1:1)
Acceptance criteria:  No more sulfate than corresponds to 0.2 mL of 0.020 N sulfuric acid (0.02%)
Delete the following:
•  Heavy Metals 231
Sample solution:  1 g in 25 mL of acetone
Control solution:  25 mL of acetone and 2 mL of Standard Lead Solution
Analysis:  To the Sample solution, add 2 mL of water, 1.2 mL of thioacetamide-glycerin base TS, and 2 mL of pH 3.5 Acetate Buffer. Allow to stand for 5 min.
Acceptance criteria:  NMT 20 ppm. Any color produced is not darker than that of a Control solution treated in the same manner as the Sample solution.(Official 1-Dec-2015)
Change to read:
•  Organic Impurities
Mobile phase:  Prepare as directed in the Assay.
Diluent:  Methanol, glacial acetic acid, and water (70:4:30)
Standard solution:  0.5 mg/mL of USP Salicylic Acid RS, 0.05 mg/mL of USP Salicylic Acid Related Compound A RS, 0.025 mg/mL of USP Salicylic Acid Related Compound B RS, and 0.01 mg/mL of USP Phenol RS in Diluent
Peak identification solution:  0.01 mg/mL of USP Phenol RS in DiluentUSP38
Sample solution:  50 mg/mL of Salicylic Acid in Diluent. Sonicate until completely dissolved.
Chromatographic system 
Mode:  LC
Detector:  UV 270 nm
Column:  4.6-mm × 10-cm; 5-µm packing L1
Flow rate:  0.5 mL/min
Injection volume:  2 µL
System suitability 
Samples:  Standard solution and Peak identification solution
Suitability requirements 
[Note—Identify the elution order of phenol by comparing with the Peak identification solution. ]
Resolution:  NLT 2.0 between any two peaks, Standard solution
Samples:  Standard solution and Sample solution
Calculate the percentage of salicylic acid related compound A, salicylic acid related compound B, and phenol in the portion of Salicylic Acid taken:
Result = (rU/rS) × (CS/CU) × 100

rU== peak response of salicylic acid related compound A, salicylic acid related compound B, or phenol from the Sample solution
rS== peak response of salicylic acid related compound A, salicylic acid related compound B, or phenol from the Standard solution
CS== concentration of USP Salicylic Acid Related Compound A RS, USP Salicylic Acid Related Compound B RS, or USP Phenol RS in the Standard solution (mg/mL)
CU== concentration of Salicylic Acid in the Sample solution (mg/mL)
Calculate the percentage of any other individual impurity in the portion of Salicylic Acid taken:
Result = (rU/rS) × (CS/CU) × 100

rU== peak response of any other individual impurity from the Sample solution
rS== peak response of salicylic acid related compound B from the Standard solution
CS== concentration of USP Salicylic Acid Related Compound B RS in the Standard solution (mg/mL)
CU== concentration of Salicylic Acid in the Sample solution (mg/mL)
Acceptance criteria:  See Table 1. [Note—The elution order for salicylic acid related compound B and phenol may switch. ] USP38
Table 1
Name Relative
NMT (%)
Salicylic acid related compound A 0.35 0.1
Salicylic acid related compound B 0.45 0.05
Phenol 0.50 0.02
Salicylic acid 1.0
Any other individual impurity 0.05
Total impurities 0.2
Delete the following:
•  Melting Range or Temperature 741: 158–161USP38
•  Loss on Drying 731
Analysis:  Dry over silica gel for 3 h.
Acceptance criteria:  NMT 0.5%
•  Packaging and Storage: Preserve in well-closed containers.
Change to read:
•  USP Reference Standards 11
USP Phenol RS Click to View Structure
USP Salicylic Acid RS Click to View Structure
USP Salicylic Acid Related Compound A RS Click to View Structure
4-Hydroxybenzoic acid.

    138.12 USP38
USP Salicylic Acid Related Compound B RS Click to View Structure
4-Hydroxyisophthalic acid.

Auxiliary Information— Please check for your question in the FAQs before contacting USP.
Topic/Question Contact Expert Committee
Monograph Alan R Potts, PhD
Principal Scientific Liaison
(301) 816-8364
(SM32010) Monographs - Small Molecules 3
Reference Standards RS Technical Services
USP38–NF33 Page 5241
Pharmacopeial Forum: Volume No. 39(6)