Structural Formula Vector Image
Title: Thioproperazine
CAS Registry Number: 316-81-4
CAS Name: N,N-Dimethyl-10-[3-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)propyl]phenothiazine-2-sulfonamide
Additional Names: 3-dimethylsulfamoyl-10-[3-(4-methylpiperazino)propyl]phenothiazine; 2-dimethylsulfamoyl-10-[3¢-(4¢¢-piperazino)propyl]phenothiazine; thioperazine
Manufacturers' Codes: RP-7843; SKF-5883
Molecular Formula: C22H30N4O2S2
Molecular Weight: 446.63
Percent Composition: C 59.16%, H 6.77%, N 12.54%, O 7.16%, S 14.36%
Literature References: Prepn: GB 814512 (1959 to Rhône-Poulenc).
Properties: Crystals, mp 140°.
Melting point: mp 140°
Derivative Type: Fumarate
Molecular Formula: C22H30N4O2S2.C4H4O4
Molecular Weight: 562.70
Percent Composition: C 55.50%, H 6.09%, N 9.96%, O 17.06%, S 11.40%
Properties: Crystals, mp 182°.
Melting point: mp 182°
Derivative Type: Dimethanesulfonate
CAS Registry Number: 2347-80-0
Additional Names: Thioproperazine mesylate
Trademarks: Majeptil (RPR); Vontil (SKB)
Molecular Formula: C22H30N4O2S2.2CH3SO3H
Molecular Weight: 638.84
Percent Composition: C 45.12%, H 6.00%, N 8.77%, O 20.04%, S 20.08%
Therap-Cat: Antipsychotic; antiemetic.
Keywords: Antiemetic; Antipsychotic; Phenothiazines.

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