Structural Formula Vector Image
Title: a-Methyl-m-tyrosine
CAS Registry Number: 305-96-4
CAS Name: 3-Hydroxy-a-methylphenylalanine
Additional Names: a-methyl-3-(m-hydroxyphenyl)alanine; a-MMT
Molecular Formula: C10H13NO3
Molecular Weight: 195.22
Percent Composition: C 61.52%, H 6.71%, N 7.17%, O 24.59%
Literature References: Inhibitor of catecholamine synthesis. Prepn of DL-form: Stein et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 77, 700 (1955); Pfister, Stein, US 2868818 (1959 to Merck & Co.).
Properties: Crystals from methanol, dec 296-297°.

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