Coumarilic Acid
Structural Formula Vector Image
Title: Coumarilic Acid
CAS Registry Number: 496-41-3
CAS Name: 2-Benzofurancarboxylic acid
Additional Names: coumarone-2-carboxylic acid
Molecular Formula: C9H6O3
Molecular Weight: 162.14
Percent Composition: C 66.67%, H 3.73%, O 29.60%
Literature References: Synthesis from coumarin: Fuson et al., Org. Synth. coll. vol. III, 209 (1955). Review: Sethna, Shah, Chem. Rev. 36, 1 (1945).
Properties: Needles from water, bitter taste. mp 192-193°. bp 310-315° with slight decompn. Sol in boiling water, in alcohol; slightly sol in chloroform, carbon disulfide.
Melting point: mp 192-193°
Boiling point: bp 310-315° with slight decompn

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