Salicylhydroxamic Acid
Structural Formula Vector Image
Title: Salicylhydroxamic Acid
CAS Registry Number: 89-73-6
CAS Name: N,2-Dihydroxybenzamide
Additional Names: 2-hydroxybenzhydroxamic acid
Molecular Formula: C7H7NO3
Molecular Weight: 153.14
Percent Composition: C 54.90%, H 4.61%, N 9.15%, O 31.34%
Line Formula: HOC6H4CONHOH or HOC6H4C(OH)=NOH
Literature References: Prepn: Jeanrenaud, Ber. 22, 1272 (1889); Urbanski, Nature 166, 267 (1950). Trypanocidal activity: F. Opperdoes et al., Exp. Parasitol. 40, 198 (1976); A. B. Clarkson, F. H. Brohn, Science 194, 204 (1976); A. J. Barnicoat et al., Experientia 37, 1291 (1981).
Properties: Needles from acetic acid, mp 168° (slow heating), mp 176-178° (quick heating). Sublimes. pK (25°) 4.19.
Melting point: mp 168° (slow heating); mp 176-178° (quick heating)
pKa: pK (25°) 4.19
Derivative Type: Sodium salt
Molecular Formula: C7H6NNaO3
Molecular Weight: 175.12
Percent Composition: C 48.01%, H 3.45%, N 8.00%, Na 13.13%, O 27.41%
Properties: Plates. Freely sol in water. pH of 0.1N soln 7.7.
Use: Complexing agent.

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