Structural Formula Vector Image
Title: Succinamide
CAS Registry Number: 110-14-5
CAS Name: Butanediamide
Molecular Formula: C4H8N2O2
Molecular Weight: 116.12
Percent Composition: C 41.37%, H 6.94%, N 24.12%, O 27.56%
Line Formula: H2NOCCH2CH2CONH2
Literature References: Made by the action of ammonia water on the dimethyl or diethyl ester of succinic acid.
Properties: Needles. mp 260° with decompn; also stated as 242°. Sol in 220 parts cold, 9 parts boiling water; insol in alc, ether.
Melting point: mp 260° with decompn; also stated as 242°

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